How to Pick the right Washing Machine Infographic?
The info-graphic section in Washing Machine Wise has been curated to help you in buying the perfect washing machine. Just like buying something valuable, buying a washing machine too is a big task. People think that all they need to do is simply look for something that washes their clothes. However, there is a lot more to it. Here are the eight rules that you should always remember in order to find the optimal washing-machine.

Dimensions, Area and Space – (60 cm wide / 85 cm tall)
This is perhaps the most basic thing to consider. You should first choose a dedicated spot in your home for this appliance. Properly measure the area, note down the dimensions and then start looking for a washing machine. Also, note that there is a water outlet and sink nearby.
Drum Capacity – (5 kg – 12 kg)
The drum is the main zone where the magic happens. Its capacity is solely dependent upon you. Choose the capacity depending upon the number of clothes that you need to wash.
Features and Qualities
These are the add-ons that are necessary for a great wash. Automatic temperature control, Wi-Fi connectivity, fabric-specific wash and tumble dry are some of the amazing features in today’s washing machines.
Spin Speed – (800 – 1200 RPM optimally)
The good spin speed is necessary for a good rinsing. Clothes dry off easily if the machine has a good spin speed. Modern-day washing machines come with a dryer attached so that clothes get dried off easily as well. Heavy-duty washing-machines can have an RPM of around 1800 as well.
Energy Rating – (Higher Stars = Better)
The higher star rating is always preferred because they save a lot of electricity. In India, ratings above 3 stars are considered to be good, while a 7-star rating is great. Inverter technology washing machines considered to be amazing in terms of energy saving. LG and IFB are two of the most energy-efficient brands.
Warranty – (Usually 1 – 2 Years)
Although washing machines have a long life, it is always better to choose one with a long warranty. A longer warranty means that you can easily get the product fixed in case it breaks down or stops working. Brands like LG and IFB provide the best-in-class warranty and support for its washing machines.
Lifespan – (7+ Years)
If cared for and maintained properly, washing machines can last for up to 10 years. This is especially the case with IFB and LG products. They have proven to provide the best type of washing machines that last long.
Cost – (₹17,000 – ₹80,000)
This should be the last factor that you should choose during your buying process. Never compromise with quality (even if you are on a budget). A great product will last long and the services it provides will pay it off. There are expensive washing machines as well as inexpensive ones, but you should choose the one that suits you best overall.